Behind the scenes - Our history

Welcome to AeroMeds.

As a company at the intersection of innovation and responsibility, we are dedicated to developing sustainable and responsible technologies. Our mission is not only to grow through carefully designed systems and processes, but also to leave a positive impact on the community and environment. Learn more about our beginnings, our values and the principles that guide us every day.

‘Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity - not a threat.’ Steve Jobs

Our philosophy: Commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Integrity, innovation, and reliability are the cornerstones of our corporate culture at AeroMeds. We understand that true technological advancement is only possible through a commitment to ethical behaviour and sustainable practices.

Our philosophy commits us to developing lasting, effective solutions that conserve resources and minimise environmental impact. We focus on long-term strategies that not only fulfil the requirements of the present, but also those of the future.

In every aspect of our work, we strive to leave a positive, sustainable impact on society and the environment through our innovations.

We adhere to the highest quality standards and promote a culture of continuous improvement in order to achieve and exceed our goals.

‘All progress begins with the courageous person who does things differently.’

The story of our founder

Daniel Schachner

CEO AeroMeds

‘If you stop getting better, you stop being good.’

This quote reflects the philosophy and commitment of our founder. It epitomises his tireless commitment to continuous improvement and excellence that drives AeroMeds.

In 2019, Mr Schachner decided to use his extensive knowledge of drone technology to improve medical logistics. With a solid technical education and extensive training in systems and network technology as well as software development, he brings the necessary knowledge and skills to develop innovative solutions.

What started as a hobby in 2014 with the design and programming of drones developed into a passion that eventually led to the founding of AeroMeds. Under his leadership, AeroMeds pursues the goal of optimising medical logistics through continuous development and the highest quality standards.

His tireless efforts and passion for technology drive the project forward and contribute significantly to our success.

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© AeroMeds 2024