AeroMeds at the Green Startup Night: A step forward for sustainable medical care

On 7 March 2024, our CEO Daniel Schachner presented AeroMeds at the Green Startup Night at the University of Leoben. This event was organised by the Centre for Applied Technology in cooperation with the university’s alumni club and attracted numerous innovators from the field of green technologies.

Daniel Schachner explained how our innovative drone technology makes the delivery of medical goods more efficient and environmentally friendly. The ability of our technology to respond quickly to time-critical medical needs was particularly emphasised, making it a forward-looking solution to challenges in medical logistics.

Participating in this event provided us with an excellent platform to introduce AeroMeds to a wider audience and make valuable contacts. We are grateful for the recognition and the opportunity to strengthen our partnerships and further develop our technology. We look to the future with confidence and look forward to further milestones on our journey to sustainably improve medical care.